The Organisational Enneagram
The Organisational Enneagram
a 4-day workshop with Dr Henrie Lidiard
INLPTA Master Trainer and Enneagram Institute Accredited Trainer
19th - 22nd November 2025
At The Mercure Bankfield Hotel, Bingley, West Yorkshire, UK.
Early Bird £595 when you book before October 7th 2025 (full price £695)
- Deepen your self-awareness and embodied sense of Presence.
- Enjoy better and more effective working relationships.
- Resolve even long-standing or repetitive workplace conflicts and irritations.
- Discover what makes a complete and sustainable organisational system.
- Learn about the health of team/organisational cultures.
- Learn specific techniques for insight, problem-solving and getting unstuck.
In this 4-day workshop, we’ll explore how The Enneagram holds powerful insights for us as individuals, for our relationships, and for the organisational systems we are a part of. You’ll learn why self-awareness and self-regulation are vital skills for leadership and collaboration. You’ll discover simple, powerful patterns that lie at the root of much misunderstanding and conflict at work, and importantly, what to do to resolve them. You’ll learn a whole systems approach for viewing your business, team or organisation, which will give clarity on what is needed for resilience and positive change. You’ll also learn about the health of team and organisational cultures. You’ll discover that the Enneagram can be used as a powerful tool for problem-solving. We will use, simple movement exercises, small group enquiries, open frames, activities and discussions. You can look forward to new ways of understanding your place of work, and practical ideas for change to take back with you.
Other Enneagram Workshops with Dr Lidiard
An Experiential Introduction to the Enneagram: Discover the 9 basic personality types and their variations and interrelationships to better understand yourself and others. 25th - 28th April 2025. Early bird rate available. Book now.
The Dynamism of the Enneagram Workshop: How insights from the Enneagram can help us in our relationships at home and at work: Dates TBC.
Early bird rate available. Book now.
The Embodied Enneagram Workshop: Understanding our Instinctual Drives and balancing the Centres. 11th - 14th October 2025
Early Bird rate available. Book now.
Further Enneagram resources: Sometimes people ask how do NLP and the Enneagram complement one another? here is an article that explores the connections. Here is another which gives a brief introduction to the instinctual drives.
If you’d like to take a questionnaire to help you find your type, you might like to purchase the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) for $12.00. You could also contact Henrie for an IEQ9 Questionnaire and full professional report. With either test you can also book additional coaching sessions to explore your developmental journey.
For further exploration you can enjoy my favourite books by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, and other excellent reads by Sandra Maitri, Claudio Naranjo, A H Almass and Dr David Daniels among others
If you have any questions at all do get in touch.
What participants say:
"The Enneagram course was an incredible weekend, very insightful and thought provoking. If you are debating whether to attend or not - Just book it!" (Kate Stearn, HR Professional)
"The content was fascinating and illuminating for anyone wishing to have a more helpful relationship not only with others but with themselves also. I would recommend training with Henrie most warmly". (Liz Samstad, Mental Health Professional and NLP Master Practitioner)
"I have woken up with such lovely memories of one of the most special weekends I've ever had - a PEAK experience!" (Jill Wallis, Educator and Therapist)
"This is a really fascinating introduction to the Enneagram with a great mix of experiential exercises as well as factual content. Henrie's style combines real sensitivity, fun and thought provoking material. I am inspired to come back again to her courses and to explore more of this complex system". (Clare Gee, Consultant at Stress Resilience)
"I've been privileged to know Henrie over many years, and we've shared together the rich journey that the Enneagram invites us to. She is a gifted communicator, combining a deep understanding of the Enneagram with a wonderful precision with words. Her clarity, honesty and love of the truth have been an inspiration to me." (Mark Pickin, Consultant, Yorkshire)
"Henrie is fantastic as facilitator - her depth of presence, her holding of the space, her wise interventions and her incredible openness and authenticity are so empowering and enabling. She is a precious gem and gift and a credit to Riso and Hudson's work." (Lynne Sedgmore, CEO London).
"Henrie speaks with a captivating clarity and precision". (D.M., Participant, Sussex)
"I highly recommend Hen's Enneagram workshops. Hen's facilitation style is warm humorous and easy paced. She has a gift for explaining complex ideas in a clear and engaging way, allowing participants to explore the material safely and at their own pace. I left the weekend feeling inspired, uplifted and deeply grateful for Hen's beautiful wisdom and presence." Kate Manley, Therapist, Deep Coach, Ridhwan School, UK3
"Hen's workshop on the Enneagram is really worthwhile. She has an excellent teaching style - totally professional, yet really relaxed, with lots of laughter. I had read books on the Enneagram before but had not really grasped it well, yet Hen's workshop made this complex and deep model accessible and understandable. It helped to deepen my self awareness and gave me such valuable insights in to key relationships and others' preferences. It was a wonderful experience and gave me a glorious sense of calm". Jo Howard, Leadership Consultant and Ridhwan School UK3,
"Hen models and paces the programme with an authority and humility that make it real, resonant, experiential and embodied. A privilege and a treat. The best aspects of the course? Hen's presence, and the experiential way she led and communicated the course, true mastery and beautifully inclusive. Hen is a very skilled trainer who created an environment of peace, presence sensing and 'ah-has'." Hilary Samson-Barry, Ridhwan School UK4
"Henrie offers a well-balanced approach to the Enneagram - well thought out, held with care and finely intuitive - would recommend" Neo, Ridhwan School UK4